Your billing information
Setup the general configurations of the rent income model
Upload the properties
Upload the tenants' data
Add the contracts' information and automate the rent
Before you begin, if you intend to give more than one user access to the platform to manage rentals, create a team. Once the team is created, always work within the team to ensure that all information is included in a shared workspace.
If you have questions about what a team is, how it works or how it is configured, please review the following help center section before proceeding.
Once you have done this, add the rental-related information in the following order:
1. Your billing information
In the Accounting tab of the left menu, in the Billing section, open the accordion that indicates Bill issuers. Fill in or correct the default issuer created with your data. If you invoice in the name of more than one company or person, you can create the issuers from here.
2. Setup the general configurations of the rent income model
In this section, you will indicate the default settings to automate the tenants' rents: if an invoice for the rent must be generated, from which day of the month they will start to pay, if it will include any extra expenses... in case there are different models (for example, cases in which an invoice is issued and cases in which it is not) you will be able to add several different configurations.
To do this, go to the Payments and Receipts page in the menu on the left and click on the gear icon General Configurations.
In the tab that will open, there will be two options:
First contract rent income of the contract: the configuration of the tenant's first payment, in case it includes different or additional concepts to the rest of the months. For example the deposit, management fees... it is not necessary to configure it if the first month's payment includes the same concepts as the next months.
Scheduled income of the contract rent: what the tenants will pay regularly until the end of their contract.
For both configurations, a form will appear asking the following questions:
Name: way to identify, when choosing configuration, this model. For example common rent, rent with billing, rent per room...
How often do you want it to be generated? Choose the frecuency with which the tenant must pay. For example, choose monthly to collect the rent every month.
Date of income: the day when the tenants will start to pay rent. Usually it is the first day of the month.
Generation date: this can be the same as the date of income, or a few days before to review and possibly correct the payment information.
Due date: this is optional. It will only be need to if the tenant has a deadline to pay the rent. For example, the tenant has 5 days to pay from the date of income.
Which contract concepts do you want to include? the rent should be activated for the tenant to be charged the rent. Suply fees are the utilities the tenant might pays along with the rent as a fixed fee and additional services if there are other recurring fees fixed in the contract: cleaning, catering.... other than the utility-type expenses of the property.
Other concepts: select pending expenses if the tenant will pay for the supplies in addition to the rent or if there is a possibility of adding any additional expenses to the rent (for example, a reparation). Suplies balance should only be selected if the tenant pays a fixed amount for utilities and this amount is checked every month, charging or discounting the tentant the difference between the fixed suply fee and the real expense.
Settle income: it doesn't apply to this model, it should be left unmarked.
Generate bill: check only if a bill for any of the concepts should be created. If it's activated, indicate which day of the month the bill should be created and, in case it is a few days after the generation date indicated above, if you want to generate a proforma bill, a preview of the unnumbered invoice. In this way, messes in the numbering are avoided. The disadvantage of this is it won't be possible to send the invoice before the “invoice date”.
Hide income from payers: if the tenants are given access to the platform, this will prevent them from seeing the information until it has been checked and approved by the managers.
3. Upload the properties
To add or view the property portfolio in the platform, go to the Properties tab on the left-side menu. There you will have a list of the properties that have been uploaded. Click on add property to create a new one or on the property card to check the information. If you enter an existing property, in the right-side half of the screen you have the Edit button.
4. Upload the tenants' data
Once the property is added or edited, click on the property card to re-enter. You will see a drop-down of tenants. Click on add tenant and fill in the form with their information. You can add several tenants in the same property. Remember to add their billing information on the right side of the screen if you generate a bill or charge them via direct debit.
5. Add the contracts' information and automate the rent
Once the tenants have been added, the next step is adding the contract, opening the Contracts drop down under the tenants' one. Fill in the monthly payment field and, if the rent includes any type of tax, add it just below the rent.
Regarding the dates, the start date will be when the contract begins, the Next due date will indicate the next yearly renewal of the contract, and the Extendable until date will indicate when the contract will end definitively.
Optionally indicate additional fees, deposit, schedule the rent update, schedule the tenant check-in, notifications...
At the bottom of the Add contract form, click on Create first rental income and Schedule recurring rental income to customize, according to the settings included on the second step of the article, which day the amounts to be paid by the tenants will be created, which concepts will be charged to them...
To set it for this contract:
Display the schedule income button and, if different amounts are collected in the first month, the one for the first income.
Specify which income model, if several were created, will be used.
For the first income, indicates the date on which it will be created.
If there are several tenants in the contract, choose which one of them will pay the rent. If more than one of them are chosen, the program will divide the amounts equally among all of them.
Choose the contact who will collect the income and, if applicable, issue the bills.
Choose, if necessary, the billing series for the rent invioces.
Once completed, click on Next if this is a new contract to generate the contract document and/or request the digital signature, or click on Save contract to finish if it is an existing contract.
To attach the contract document if it is an already signed contract, once the contract form has been created, click on See details in the contract form.
Once in the contract edit form, click on the Documents section to attach the signed contract document.